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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Android Task Monitoring

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Modern day-to-day life of people in major cities is very demanding and the schedules are equally hectic. In such times, it is practically impossible to keep a track of all the activities/ appointments. Many a times, it happens that we may miss an important task; for example: taking medicines, attending a meeting, returning library books, paying the bills etc. And this cycle can keep going on endlessly. The human mind is not designed to multitask, it needs to work things out one at a time. This requires us to maintain our focus on the task at hand, and as a result other important things take a backstage and some may even slip out of our minds. In order to address this problem, we have come up with a Weekly Task Alerting System. This system is designed to alert the user of all the important tasks that are due on a specific day, every week. So now, the user can carry on with his/her life without any worries. 

The developed project is a tasks reminder app, with AI-powered Chatbot that will make user enjoy productivity. Whether your goal is to make good habits or get rid of bad ones. This application helps you to make sure that the tasks you set actually get done, with the help of its AI assistant. It monitors your android phone, pings you at times you’re likely to see a notification and makes sure you don’t forget about items on your to-do list. With this, which is one of the bot characters, this app brings you not only your tasks reminder but also a free productivity assistant that engages you throughout the day to create a more productive version of yourself.


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